Tuesday, October 21, 2008
My pick for Obama's Treasury secretary: Andrew Lahde, the Manager of the Lahde Capital Management hedge fund, who volubly predicted, bet his investors' money on, and reaped a shitload of money from, the subprime collapse. Lahde recently posted an open letter to the Financial Times announcing the wind-down of his fund. I paraphrase his primary points below:
1) I got rich because all you Ivy-League-legacy, Wall Street masters of the universe are a bunch of pampered arrogant dumbshits.
2) Having cashed in on your blind greed and stupidity, I'm going to go live my life now. Don't call me.
3) George Soros is a genius, and should fund a summit on the state of American government, which is irrevocably fucked; and
4) Pot is awesome, and should be legal.
So, maybe a bit of a maverick pick, but what the hell. Via Kevin Drum, in his new digs.